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(EUROPAIN : EUROpean Pain Audit In Neonates)
The EUROPAIN SURVEY is an epidemiological study aimed at assessing current clinical practices regarding the use of sedative and analgesic drugs in newborns admitted to NICUs or PICUs in different countries in Europe.
This study is conducted as part of the NeoOpiod Project
This project was supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 223767
The rational for this study is that data on sedation and analgesia practices in neonates are very rare. To date, there are no data permitting the comparison of neonatal pain management within the European countries. We believe that the availability of these data will enable comparison of practices with state-of-the-art knowledge.
Localisation of participating centers (List in progress)
This project was supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 223767